Experiments with pure geometric forms, colors and light effects. Creates both wallart and installations. Studied under Dóra Mauer and Eszter Radák.

Completed his studies in painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 2017. His works dwell on the border of abstract and figurative. His inspiration comes from the tension between technocracy and the human longing towards nature. Awarded by Kepesita Collection and was shortlisted for the Esterházy Art Award.

Famous painter who is a notorius figure of the underground art culture of the 80’s. A self-taught master, founder of the Vajda Lajos Stúdió in szentendre. In the 80’s he earned recognition as a painter and graphic designer. He lived in Canada from 1991 and later moved to the United States. Works in almost every genre, from music through film to fine art, all of which are meant to complement each other. Wahorn earned the Munkácsy Awrd in 1993. His works are widely exhibited in galleries such as the Magyar Nemzeti Galéria and the Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum.

Attila Dóczi began his studies in 2010 at the Painting Department of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest under the guidance of Imre Bukta. His interests in the vibrating internal tensions and contradictions, raw sexuality, kitschy religiosity and the duality of aggression and ‘rural’ peace were already present in his art back then. At the same time the frames of traditional oil painting were getting too narrow for him, so that installations, video works and the physical objects also appeared in his practice. A semester spent in 2014 at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan brought Dóczi’s art to a turning point. Futuristic installation solutions and performance became increasingly dominant after that period. Industrial materials and the incorporation of lost-and-found objects characterized the following years. From 2016 to the present, the concepts of memory, post-capitalist world order, and utopia are dominant in the works of Attila Dóczi. In his latest series, he processes and reinterprets the digital memories of the 90’s using bright neon colours and digital techniques.

Completed his studies in graphic design at the Magyar Iparművészeti Egyetem. He has taken part in numerous projects nationally and abroad. His work reflects on the urban culture through a strongly visual universe. His instinctual, almost automatic process is invoked by his inner instincts, without any strict conceptual guidelines.

Earned a degree in sculpture at the Fine Art Department of University of Pécs. Throughout this program he decided to specialize in concrete which is still dominant in his body of work. Merits: I. Award earned at the Kisplasztikai Quadriennale in 2015. Derkovits Gyula scholarship between 2016 and 2019. Two works exhibited in Portugal at the XX: Cerveira biennale in 2018. Exhibited at the V. London Art Biennale in 2021. Founded the Monostori Művésztelep workshop.

Completed her studies in graphic design at the Hungarian University of fine Arts in 2019. Experimenting with the process of creation and materials involved is a strong characteristic of her works. The nature of social trends and the evolution of the role of the artist are recurring themes in her art.

Completed his studies in painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Art in 2019. His artistic work manifests through traditional painting and collage. He uses largescale oil paintings to reflect on the everflowing stimulations and emotions of our era.

Completed her studies in animation at the Norwich University in 2019. After completion she lived in London and works for Red Knuckles Studio. Her inspirations incoude everyday minutiae and public banality. Her art tackles the idealized body image through swiftly made drawings which she then digitalizes.

Gabrielle Brown is a visual artist and multifaceted creator who is constantly seeking new ways to tell stories through her paintings and sculptures. Born on the east coast of Canada, she grew up along the river side outside of Hampton, New Brunswick and spent much of her time creating. At an early age she connected to art and began painting and sculpting which lead her to pursue a professional career as an artist in 2012. Gabrielle’s work reflects her views on the human condition and the relationship we have with ourselves, our companions, nature and God. She sheds light on how we suffer as humans but contrasts the subjects with uplifting symbols, actions and words.

Completed his studies in photography and media design at MOME in 2018. Studied a semester at City University of Hong Kong in the Creative Media Department . His artistic reach is very broad, ranging from photography to film to the classic methods of image creation.

Completed his studies in painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Art in 2018. In his work, the layers applied on the surfaces carry the viewer into their own associations. Sometimes these layers melt into one another and other times form a strong contrast, but they all feed on personal experiences. He often reflects on elements of fauna and nature in general. His approach is graphic, yet often experimental.

Completed his studies in typography at MOME in 1982. Since 1983 he has been an active, important member of the underground culture. Presents his works reflecting on the urban existence in both individual and group exhibitions. Ready-mades, found and disused objects often appear in his works. founded an industrial music band in 1982, called Bp. service. Founded his own graphic design studio in 1994 under the name Bp. Stúdió. Moved to Los Angeles in 1996, where he worked as a graphic designer with the company of Klasky Csupo. Worked as a creative executive for Crew Creative in 2004 and for Cleopatra Records in 2005. Since 2015 he frequently exhibits his series iwhich, nspired by the rhythmic pulsation of the urban existence, are made of the contraselected produdcts of consumption.

Completed his studies in painting at the Hungarian University of fine Art in 2004. Since 2015 he owns a studio at the Szentendrei Régi Művésztelep. Apart fro painting, sculpture is his most important medium. His work as an art-orgnizer, aside from planning exhibitions is also reinforced by being an executive member of the Magyar Szobrásztársaság since 2017. Bases his artistic practices on a traditional outlook on existence, with his works aiming to point on the motionless origo beyond existence. He is fascinated by both the problems of paciousness and color-relations.

Self-taught painter, experimenting with numerous artforms – sculpture, music, performance, film. Member of one of the most well-known hungarian art ensembles, the Vajda Lajos Studio. Founder of the notorious Bizottság band. Member of the Művészeti Alap and Képzőművészek Szövetsége since 1976. Part of collections at: Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Ludwig gyűjtemény Aachen (Németország), Vasteros Konst Halle (Svédország), Nünberg Stadt Muzeúm Grafikai Gyűjtemény Szentendrei Ferenczi Múzeum, Székesfehérvár István Király Múzeum, Kaposvár Rippl-Rónai Múzeum.

Completed her studies in painting in the class of Károlyi Zsigmond and Radák Eszter at the Hungarian University of Fine Art in 2005. According to Német Szilvi, curator, in the focus of hr art is the ‘superwoman’ created by consumer culture of the western culture of the 21th century, with strong body-consciousness and pornographic rethorics. She reacts to the tendencies of mass media instinctually, suggesting the recepie of becoming superhuman into the minds of her consumer subjects with a never before seen intensity.

Earned his degree in painting in 2020 at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Inspired by the digital culture and artificial intelligence. Earned a scholarship to München and is the winner of the Gruber Béla award in 2020.

Active member of the contemporary art scene since the 90’s. First became known for her role as a singer in the band Tereskova, famous for its outspoken, vulgar lyrics. Has a strong desire for freedom and to tore down preconceptions, which often can be recognized through her works. Her work as a painter focuses on the oil-canvas technique, which in recent days, with its powerful expressiveness also coupled with a deeply personal, soft aspect.

Finished his studies in 2001 at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts and earned a doctorate in arts at University of Pécs. Merits: Strabag award in painting category 2003. Scholarship through Collegium Hungaricum, Rome in 2005. His writings as an expert and critique has beenpublished by numerous journals : Új Művészet, Balkon, Műértő, dunszt.sk, Artkartell, prae.hu. Kállai Ernő art historian and art critique scholarship in 2009. Earned a scholarship to Lisbon from Budapest Gallery’s artist exchange program. Awarded with P. Szabó Ernő prize for his art critiques in 2020. Recently exhibited in Dresden at the Ostrale Biennale. He is continously exhibiting nationally and internationally. He is represented by Várfok Gallery.

Studied painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts between 1998 and 2003. Likes to explore the medium and experiment with ready-mades and other materials. Member of the Budapest Horror Group.

Luca Pataki has studied painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts since 2017. Earned a scholarship in Dresden and studied under Anne Neukamp who has won numerous awards such as Ludwig Foundation Prize and Barcsay Prize. Pataki focuses on digitalism, and the development of the individual’s personality. She likes experimenting with the possibilities of painting through different digital techniques.

Spirituality and the search for the flow experience are key elements to his artistic work. Studied painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts between 2015 and 2020. Participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions. Abstraction and figurative depiction are simultaniously present in his works, with his themes ranging from the tropes of eastern religions to his own inner journeys. His expressive brush stroke technique and choices of color challenges the traditions of gestural painting.

Completed her program inpainting at the Hungarian University of Fine Art in 2019. During her studies she both in solo and group exhibitions. Earned numerous scholarships – Eva Kahan, Amadeus, Domonovszky Endre prize. Founder of the Skurc group artist run space.

Nikolett Balázs (1990) Completed her studies in 2015 in painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Her artistic practices, beyond experimenting with different materials, centers around the study of the medium of sculpture and canvas, the thematics of which represents the tension between the individual and the community and the idea of feminism. Having participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions both nationally and abroad, her works can be widely seen in both private and public collections. She was given the Young Hungarian Generation award by Secondary Archive in 2021.

Studied art at the University of Pécs, where he also earned a doctorate degree. Experiments with maintaining integrity while presenting street art in galleries.

„The most succesful glassartist of his generation” (Forbes). His work is dedicated to freedom and acceptance. The only Hungarian who got selected to the International New Glass Festival, the Corning Museum, and exhibited in New York, Washington D.C., and Beijing.

Finished his program in sculpture in 2017 at the University of Pécs. Important figure of the local art scene, yet also exhibited internationally. His main theme of interest is the relation between human and the machine, artificial intelligence. Mixes steal, iron and organic materials in his work which also contains collages and installations.

Experiments with pure geometric forms, colors and light effects. Creates both wallart and installations. Studied under Dóra Mauer and Eszter Radák.

Completed his studies in painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 2017. His works dwell on the border of abstract and figurative. His inspiration comes from the tension between technocracy and the human longing towards nature. Awarded by Kepesita Collection and was shortlisted for the Esterházy Art Award.

Famous painter, notorius figure of the underground art culture of the 80’s. A self-taught master, founder of the Vajda Lajos Stúdió in szentendre. In the 80’s he earned recognition as a painter and graphic designer. Lived in Canada from 1991 and later moved to the United States. Works in almost every genre, from music through film to fine art, all of which are meant to complement each other.earned the Munkácsy Awrd in 1993. His works are widely exhibited in galleries such as the Magyar Nemzeti Galéria or the Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum.

Attila Dóczi began his studies in 2010 at the Painting Department of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest under the guidance of Imre Bukta. His interests for the vibrating internal tensions and contradictions, raw sexuality, kitschy religiosity and the duality of aggression and ‘rural’ peace were already present in his art back then. At the same time the frames of traditional oil painting were getting too narrow for him, so that installations, video works and the physical objects also appeared in his practice. A semester spent in 2014 at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan brought Dóczi’s art to a turning point. Futuristic installation solutions and performance became increasingly dominant after that period. Industrial materials and the incorporation of lost-and-found objects characterized the following years. From 2016 to the present, the concepts of memory, post-capitalist world order, and utopia are dominant in the works of Attila Dóczi. In his latest series, he processes and reinterprets the digital memories of the 90’s using bright neon colours and digital techniques.

Completed her studies at the Magyar Iparművészeti Egyetem in graphic design. Took part in numerous projects both nationally as well as abroad, with his work reflecting on the urban culture through a strongly visual universe. His instinctual, almost automatic process is invoked by his inner impressions, withouth any strict conceptual guidelines.

Earned a degree in sculpture at the Fine Art Department of University of Pécs. Throughout this program he decided to specialize in concrete which material is still dominant in his body of work. Merits: I. Award earned at the Kisplasztikai Quadriennale in 2015. Derkovits Gyula scholarship between 2016 and 2019. Two works exhibited in Portugal at the XX: Cerveira biennale in 2018. Exhibited at the V. London Art Biennale in 2021. Founded the Monostori Művésztelep workshop.

Completed her studies in graphic design at the Hungarian University of fine Arts in 2019. Experimenting with the process of creation, as well as with the materials is a strong characteristic of her works. The nature of social trends and the evolution of the artist role are recurring themes in her art.

Completed his studies in painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Art in 2019. His artistic work manifests through traditional painting and collage. He uses largescale, oil paintings to reflect on the everflowing stimulations and emotions of our era.

Completed her studies in animation at the Norwich University in 2019. After completion she lived in London and works for Red Knuckles Studio. Her inspiration are the everyday occurances an public banality. Her art tackles the idealized body image through swiftly made drawings which she then digitalizes.

Gabrielle Brown is a visual artist and multifaceted creator who is constantly seeking new ways to tell stories through her paintings and sculptures. Born on the east coast of Canada, she grew up along the river side outside of Hampton, New Brunswick and spent much of her time creating. At an early age she connected to art and began painting and sculpting which lead her to pursue a professional career as an artist in 2012. Gabrielle’s work reflects her views on the human condition and the relationship we have with ourselves, our companions, nature and God. She sheds light on how we suffer as humans but contrasts the subjects with uplifting symbols, actions and words.

Completed his studies in photography and media design at MOME in 2018. Studied a semester at the Creative Media Department of City University of Hong Kong. His artistic reach is very broad, ranging from photography through film to the classic methods of image creation.

Completed his studies in painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Art in 2018. In his work, the layers applied on the surfaces carry the viewer into her own associations. Sometimes these layers melt into one another, sometimes form a strong contrast, but they all feed on personal experiences. He often reflects on elements of fauna and nature in general. His approach is graphical, yet often experimental.

Completed his studies in typography at MOME in 1982. Since 1983 he has been an active, important member of the underground culture. Presents his works reflecting on the urban existence in both individual and group exhibitions. Ready-mades, found and disused objects often appear in his works. founded an industrial music band in 1982, called Bp. service. Founded his own graphic design studio in 1994 under the name Bp. Stúdió. Moved to Los Angeles in 1996, where he worked as a graphic designer with the company of Klasky Csupo. Worked as a creative executive for Crew Creative in 2004 and for Cleopatra Records in 2005. Since 2015 he frequently exhibits his series iwhich, nspired by the rhythmic pulsation of the urban existence, are made of the contraselected produdcts of consumption.

Completed his studies in painting at the Hungarian University of fine Art in 2004. Since 2015 he owns a studio at the Szentendrei Régi Művésztelep. Apart fro painting, sculpture is his most important medium. His work as an art-orgnizer, aside from planning exhibitions is also reinforced by being an executive member of the Magyar Szobrásztársaság since 2017. Bases his artistic practices on a traditional outlook on existence, with his works aiming to point on the motionless origo beyond existence. He is fascinated by both the problems of paciousness and color-relations.

Self-taught painter, experimenting with numerous artforms – sculpture, music, performance, film. Member of one of the most well-known hungarian art ensemble, the Vajda Lajos Studio. Founder of the notorious Bizottság band. Member of the Művészeti Alap and Képzőművészek Szövetsége since 1976. Part of collections at: Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Ludwig gyűjtemény Aachen (Németország), Vasteros Konst Halle (Svédország), Nünberg Stadt Muzeúm Grafikai Gyűjtemény Szentendrei Ferenczi Múzeum, Székesfehérvár István Király Múzeum, Kaposvár Rippl-Rónai Múzeum.

Completed her studies in painting in the class of Károlyi Zsigmond and Radák Eszter at the Hungarian University of Fine Art in 2005. According to Német Szilvi, curator, in the focus of hr art is the ‘superwoman’ created by consumer culture of the western culture of the 21th century, with strong body-consciousness and pornographic rethorics. She reacts to the tendencies of mass media instinctually, suggesting the recepie of becoming superhuman into the minds of her consumer subjects with a never before seen intensity.

Earned his degree in painting in 2020 at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Inspired by the digital culture, artificial intelligence. Earned a scholarship to München, winner of the Gruber Béla award in 2020.

Active member of the contemporary art scene since the 90’s. First became known for her role as a singer in the band Tereskova, famous for its outspoken, vulgar lyrics. Has a strong desire for freedom and to tore down preconceptions, which often can be recognized through her works. Her work as a painter focuses on the oil-canvas technique, which in recent days, with its powerful expressiveness also coupled with a deeply personal, soft aspect.

Finished his studies in 2001 at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Earned a doctorate degree in arts at University of Pécs. He is continously exhibiting nationally and internationally. Represented by Várfok Gallery. Merits: Strabag award in painting category 2003. Scholarship through Collegium Hungaricum, Rome in 2005. His writings as an expert and critique published by numerous journals : Új Művészet, Balkon, Műértő, dunszt.sk, Artkartell, prae.hu. Kállai Ernő art historian and art critique scholarship in 2009. Earned a scholarship to Lisbon through Budapest Gallery’s artist exchange program. Awarded with P. Szabó Ernő prize for his art critiques in 2020. Recently exhibited in Dresden at the Ostrale Biennale.

Studied painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts between 1998 and 2003. Likes to expand through the medium and experiment with ready-mades and other materials. Member of the Budapest Horror Group.

Luca Pataki studies painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts since 2017. Earned a scholarship in Dresden, studied under Anne Neukamp. She has won numerous awards such as Ludwig Foundation Prize or Barcsay Prize. Pataki focuses on digitalism, and the development of the individual’s personality. She likes experimenting with the notion of painting with different digital technics.

Spirituality and the search for he flow experience are key elements to his artistic work. Studied painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts between 2015 and 2020. Participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions. Abstraction and figurative depiction are simultaniously present in his works, with his themes ranging from the tropes of eastern religions to his own inner journeys. His expressive brush stroke technique and choices of color revoke the traditions of gesture painting.

Completed her program inpainting at the Hungarian University of Fine Art in 2019. During her studies she was already exhibited both solo and in collaboration. Earend numerous scholarships – Eva Kahan, Amadeus, Domonovszky Endre prize. Founder of the Skurc group artist run space.

Nikolett Balázs (1990) Completed her studies in 2015 in painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Her artistic practices, beyond experimenting with different materials, centers around the study of the medium of sculpture and canvas, the thematics of which representing the tension between the individual and the community and the idea of feminism. Participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions both nationally and abroad, her works can be widely encountered in private as well as public collections. Awarded by Secondary Archive in best hungarian young generation category in 2021.

Studied art at the University of Pécs, where he also earned a doctorate degree. Experiments with maintaining integrity while presenting street art in art galleries.

„The most succesful glassartist of his generation” (Forbes). His work is dedicated to freedom and acceptance. The only Hungarian who got selected to the International New Glass Festival, the Corning Museum, and exhibited in New York, Washington D.C., and Beijing.

Finished his program in sculpture in 2017 at the University of Pécs. Important figure of the local art scene, yet also exhibited internationally. His main theme of interest is the relation between human and the machine, artificial intelligence. Mixes steal, iron and organic materials in his work which also contains collages and installations.

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